How does Laminated Flooring Change the Look of Your House

How does Laminated Flooring Change the Look of Your House

Laminated flooring is becoming popular in today’s home decor items. In USA, it is known as floating tile, as it made through a composition of multi layer synthetic flooring material merged together by means of lamination process. Compared to other flooring materials, laminated board is easy to install and require less maintenance. When it comes to choose the best flooring for long term use along with less installation skill and maintenance, most people go with laminate flooring. Its benefits not only save your money but also save the time which can be used over the hassle free tasks, one can experience in other flooring. Below are some key point which will help you to understand, why you should opt laminate flooring over the traditional flooring items.

Best in class appearances: The tiles and hardwood flooring comes in different designs but as time passes there color quality gets dull. Everyone wants flooring which shows the high class standard along with better color quality. And laminated flooring fulfills that wish. People can expect both color quality and best in class standard for home. It is also available in many style variants. If needed, you can also order for realistic designs or even tree species texture for your flooring.

Ease of cleaning and maintenance: After selecting the flooring material one important task, which can make your mood upset is the cost of cleaning and maintenance. The problem of tiles and hardwood flooring is that, the design is spoiled after some time. If your flooring gets dull than from where you can get the same variant? However, this problem can be solved by installing laminate flooring in your home. It comes with hassle free cleaning option; even a child can clean it by using a simple vacuum cleaner. There is a pre installed laminated board on the design, which helps you to protect your flooring long enough. One can clean it with simple water and vinegar solution and on the up-gradation time, same design can be bought easily too.
Durability: Laminate is made from the pressing technique of the wood particle. Due to this process, it develops higher scratch resistance ability and durable feature. These features cost less compared to tiles, marble and traditional hardwood. On the other side, hardwood is easily prone to moisture, especially in heavy traffic area. However, laminate supports wear and tear quality along with versatile texture, so that the look of flooring will not get damaged.

Eco-friendly nature: We all are living in age where hygiene issues are so common that even new born babies caught several allergies. Marble and tiles are designed by using chemical process that is the main reason why people change them after installation too. Those people can easily go with the choice of laminate, because these are developed using pressure technology. On the other side, Laminated Wooden Flooring is made up by using wood particles which are a reusable waste of nature.

How to Choose The Right MDF Board

How to Choose The Right MDF Board

Medium Density Fiberboard, normally known as MDF boards are the first choice when it comes to choose the pocket friendly wooden furnishing for your home flooring and panels. These boards are generally made through the waste particles of both soft and hard wood. Due to that these provide feel of hardwood but save lot of money for you. One can experience the same polish or high gloss, touch and hardwood quality by selecting these for home decoration. Today, these boards are getting enormous fame and there are many industries offering versatile MDF, but to choose the right board for your flooring always remains tough task. Popularity brings more demand and less supply situation, which can impact the quality too. Apart from that there are dedicated MDF boards for every work, so it is always better to do some work prior to start your work. To save your precious time on this, we are explaining some detailed features, which can help you to look out for the right product.

Exterior Observation: Sometimes your first impression is enough to portray your character. The same thing goes correct prior to selecting these boards too. To identify the best boards among several wooden boards, you must observe the smooth finish. Unlike particle boards, MDF uses very small wood waste and hence the surface brings you the perfect exterior look. On the other hand, these boards provide a uniform color attribute, which provide additional support in polish.

Take a close look on the box content: It is well known in wooden industry that there are some content which are always kept away from customer side. MDF boards are developed by using formaldehyde along with wood particles. If these boards are manufactured through low formaldehyde than you can feel safer compared to those where the fixation uses more formaldehyde. Higher formaldehyde provides better finish to board but makes you live in a hazard prone environment. The side of this chemical can be easily checked online. We suggest you to check the box/ pamphlet details of MDF manufacturer closely because no one wants to build a thing for his child that is unhealthy for their house members.

Ask for the quality result: Particle boards, plywood, harwood, laminated board or any other wooden items are given a standard quality clearance certificate. This quality paper explains how the product performance is calculated under diverse situations. You are going to select a wood material for your home, and it should be able to perform under every critical condition. Prior to your final decision, it could be better to check whether the MDF board is certified water resistance, able to deal with scratches, what will be there impact when contacted to fire and does they are able to provide a last long durability to your home? One should check for the green and red label on the board, which represent fire and water resistant respectively.

Find the Best MDF Board Manufacturer in Delhi

Find the Best MDF Board Manufacturer in Delhi

In present times the MDF or Medium Density Fiber boards are rapidly replacing the use of ply woods and even solid hardwoods because it is cheap, readily available and can be used in several ways. It is no longer looked down upon for being an engineered wood product instead people are always looking forward to finding innovative ways to utilize it.MDF Plant – Action Tesa

Some of the conventional ways of using MDFs is installation of Kitchen cabinets, designer doors, shoe heels, partitions, false ceilings, laminated flooring, and furniture. Not only this, its high-rise popularity is also because it is also very easy to be worked with, it is sturdy but at the same time can be carved out to give your furnishings desired designs.

So, if you are looking for the best MDF manufacturer in Delhi, the only place that you would be directed to is the showroom of Action Tesa. You might think that this statement is a little exaggerating, then here are three reasons that can convince you to believe that Action Tesa is indeed the top manufacturer of MDF boards in Delhi:

Seller of quality MDF boards: a quality MDF board has some distinct features like its density must be uniform for which it will be devoid of any knots and can be cut from either side. It must be lacking in air pockets and must have a smooth surface so that it can be easily painted or lacquered; and the MDF boards sold by Action Tesa can easily stand up to all these quality tests.
Availability of laminated MDFs: if you are hesitant of using MDF boards in your bathrooms or any other moisture prone areas then check the pre-laminated range of MDF boards of Action Tesa, which is given a variety of shades using the décor papers imported all the way from Europe.
Fully automated plant for manufacturing MDF boards: Action Tesa has become the first one in India to install fully automated MDF manufacturing Plant that uses high technologies to debark the woods before chipping, store them and condition them, so that you can get the best quality of MDF boards.

Affordable Way to Make Your Kitchen Beautiful

Affordable Way to Make Your Kitchen Beautiful

You must have heard before that renovating your kitchen might hit hard in your pocket. But what about the deep desire to give your kitchen a more up-to-date look? Well, now you can relieve yourself from the dilemma because Action Tesa has some tricks up its sleeve that would revamp the look of your kitchen without burning a hole in your wallet.

1. Add greens: One of the best and cheapest ways to give your kitchen a fresh and soothing look is to use indoor plants as a décor. You can hang small plants like cactus, jade plant, money plant, etc. or even make a potted herbal garden of your own by growing cilantro, parsley or basil; planting such herbs would not only ensure your access to fresh produce every day but also give your kitchen a fresh and soothing look.

2. Cheap replacements for cabinets: Another low-cost method to give your kitchen a new look is to remodel the kitchen cabinets and shelves. Though classic wood materials look great, they might not be a cheap alternative. For this reason, it is better to rely on MDF boards which are durable but soft enough to be given any form. Action Tesa’s UV coated panels are usually the first choice of customers for kitchen cabinets or such other shelving purpose. Its high gloss look comes with the promise of longevity and low-maintenance for which it is gaining high popularity in the market.

3. A bright counter-top: Laminated or acrylic board counter tops can effectively change the look of your kitchen. It will make your kitchen appear brighter and more spacious, and also make it scratch and water resistant.

4. Use of acrylic backsplash: If renovating the kitchen walls seem beyond your financial reach then a cheap alternative way is to use acrylic sheets as a back splash which will enable you to keep your kitchen more clean, hygienic and long lasting.

5. Trendy accessories: From a great dish rack to small organizers, from wired shelves to good looking faucets; such little changes can go a long way to give your kitchen a contemporary and stylish look.

Thus, here are some affordable ways to make your kitchen look more beautiful and appealing. For more such innovative ideas to decorate your house visit Action Tesa toady.

What is HDHMR and Advantages of this Boards

What is HDHMR and Advantages of this Boards

Before explaining anything about HDHMR, one should know the true meaning of this word. HDHMR stands for High Density High Moisture Resistance. It is basically an upgraded term of plywood, used to develop tough and robust wooden usage. Explaining the definition, HDHMR board is made by combining fiber chips, forest wood waste through a homogeneously construction process. These fiber chips are pressed together to form a single layer, removing small wood content to form a robust higher density board. These boards are mainly used where moisture and mould wooden boards are required like kitchen shutters, packing industry furniture, outdoor fixture, etc.

The first main attractive thing about HDHMR board we want to focus is, water resistance. As you can see in the name the term, High density is achieved through the combination of the hard wood particle board along with the special glue pressing technique. These hardwood particles when pressed through the glue, they form a unique water resistance layer through the board. Due to this feature, these boards will take over plywood in kitchen furniture soon and can be used as laminated flooring.

Due to pressing technique small unusable particle get removed from these boards, which makes them termite free too. In plywood making process some content of wood get stuck, which provide easy access to termites in terms of food; but if you are using HDHMR board than there is no need to worry about termites. Due to pressing technique of HDHMR board, several small fibers of wood combines till the time it required density is not achieved.

HDHMR board has a multi dimensional bond with single layer glue architecture, hence it provide higher moisture resistance compared to normal plywood. Where normal plywood catches moisture and there layers start to peel off, HDHMR board will not losses its strength.

Unlike block board, HDHMR boards are made with fiber chips and come with pre paint/polish surface. This feature helps them in veneer pasting along with smooth finish and glossy shine. The high gloss is again protested by water resistant feature – interior design important.

HDHMR board is developed using homogeneously method, which add benefits of carved, mould and routed during the construction process. Because of the multidimensional bond the HDHMR boards comes with higher screw strength, sometime close to 10 times more than usual block board and plywood. Also when talking about the cost effectiveness, HDHMR take over on other wooden boards.

Compare to others, they are available in half of the cost. One should also not forget that all the boards are made up using wood chips/ fiber or peeled trunk. HDHMR board has one unique difference compared to others. The construction process of HDHMR board uses fiber chips taken from plantation trees, agriculture waste and 95% of forest wood waste. This unique process excludes the hardwood peeled trunk unlike the block board and plywood.

In the nutshell, these points make HDHMR the first choice for homemakers who want to have designer doors and give luxury look to their house.

Find the India’s Leading Door Boards Manufacturers in India

Find the India’s Leading Door Boards Manufacturers in India

Doors have been in use ever since the time of the earliest civilization. The earliest reference to the most ancient door is the olivewood door of the Temple of God built by King Solomon, as also the door in Egyptian tombs. In Mesopotamia, doors were made of hides and textiles, while ancient Greek used stone doors. Hopping on to the 21st century, the concept of single or double doors has continued incorporating the designs, build quality, and aesthetics that technological advancement has enabled. In terms of applicability, doors have provided security, privacy, and aesthetics to the house or building. The material and design of the door have been largely influenced by the locally available materials. From being something that is custom made in-site to the building under construction, technology and global trade have resulted in the doors of different type-design, material, aesthetics, and functionality being mass-manufactured by the door manufacturers. In India, door manufacturing happens in several ways. These doors can be categorised based on factors like material used, door structure, and functionality. And if you are looking for the best door manufacturers in India, may we suggest you to explore Action TESA’s revolutionary HDHMR Doors – made from the Best HDHMR Board in India – that has gone a long way in establishing this company as one of the Top door manufacturers in India!

Let us first tell you a little more about Action TESA:

About Action TESA

Action TESA stands out as “India’s largest company offering multiple products for interior use under one roof by producing more than 3 Lakhs SKU’s”. The company is an integral part of The Action Group, which stands tall as one of India’s largest business conglomerates. The Group was established in the early 1970s under the guidance of Shri N. K. Aggarwal, who was a respected leader, visionary, and philanthropist. The company’s journey began with Action Shoes – a footwear brand that quickly gained popularity and became a household name. Propelled by a spirit of continuous growth, innovation, and a commitment to excellence, the Group subsequently diversified its operations across multiple sectors including footwear, electronics, real estate, chemicals, flex manufacturing, coal mining, and engineered wood panel products.

Correctly interpreting the expected future increase in demand for MDF, the Group proactively expanded its portfolio to include the manufacturing of Particle board & MDF, along with a range of value-added products such as HDHMR, Boilo, HDF Laminate Wooden Flooring, Embossed HDF, UV-coated panel, Acrylic hi-gloss boards, and HDHMR doors under the brand name Action TESA. With a combination of technical expertise and an extensive array of designs available in a rich palette, Action TESA products have today emerged as the preferred choice for customers. Notably, Action TESA proudly installed India’s first and only 7th generation Contiroll machine from Seimpelkamp GmbH & Co., Germany, solidifying its position as the largest engineered wood panel products manufacturer in the country with an annual production capacity of 750,000 CBM. This commitment to innovation and excellence ensures that Action TESA maintains its leading position in the panel industry today.

As of now, Action TESA has achieved several significant milestones. To name a few: it introduced the first thin MDF plant in India and currently holds the top position in the panel industry within the country. The company also pioneered the introduction of DOME Technology, providing unique features for each product. Additionally, Action TESA established the first true HDF-based laminate wooden flooring manufacturing facility in India. Furthermore, the company introduced UV High Gloss Panels for the first time in the country. This unwavering commitment to innovation and advancement has solidified Action TESA’s corporate leadership position in all its respective fields.

Now, a few words about Action TESA’s revolutionary HDHMR Doors:

About Action TESA HDHMR Doors

Action TESA’s HDHMR Doors, as the name suggests, are made from HDHMR Board which in turn has many characteristics that make it apparently the first choice of consumers and influencers. These  characteristics include High Density, High Moisture Resistance, Borer Resistance, Termite Resistance, and a ready-to-use smooth surface.

At Action TESA, the HDHMR board is manufactured using hardwood and its density is over 850 kg/m3. It has a uniform density gradient & a compact core which gives it the best routing characteristics. This is achieved by using special German Technology for MAT formation & 8 cylinders, and 18 daylight press-the 1st in India. Action TESA HDHMR is tougher than any available plywood in the market and it is moisture resistant too, which makes it an ideal board in extremely moist climatic conditions.

Action TESA actually revolutionized the interior infrastructure industry by extending fore-stated inherent properties at a very nominal cost, thus replacing plywood rapidly across PAN India. The excellent performance of these boards has succeeded in overcoming the traditional myth regarding plywood pertaining to toughness & longevity. It is needless to mention that Action TESA HDHMR  is real value for money & certainly a better option.

As regards the Action TESA HDHMR Doors, it is truly revolutionary as “HDHMR Door” happens to be the latest avatar for Door Industry. This novel application adds wings to your Doors in both commercial and residential segment. Inheriting the desirable properties viz. strength, durability & innovative application “HDHMR Door” is in many ways the best available substitute of Flush Doors & Traditional Doors. Manufactured by using the finest and strongest wood fibres of eucalyptus hard wood and best quality glue made in-house enhances the desired product performance.


Having read so far, we hope this blog article gives you a fair idea about what to look for while searching for the for the best door manufacturers in India. And we take this opportunity to invite you to visit the nearest studio of Action TESA to get a first-hand feel of its revolutionary HDHMR Doors – made from the Best Engineered wood in India – that has gone a long way in establishing it as one of the Top door manufacturers in India! It is need to mention that it can beat any door made from best plywood in India to know more about Action TESA’s HDHMR Doors, you may click on this link below: